Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Liberals want your bitterness and will not tell you how to solve many social problems

In most situations in life, when one makes mistakes, one is expected to walk through each step one made and discover what one did wrong in order to improve any given situation for the future.

If a nurse makes a medication error, she is called to the nurse manager to go through step by step all the factors that contributed to her mistake, and there is, most of the time, something she could have done differently that was completely in her control to prevent the mistake.

Even in cases where there were extreme external factors, the nurse is expected to be level headed and focused and able to withstand external pressures so as to not make an error in medication administration.

But since today's liberal wants you to be frustrated, today's liberal will take issues that they favor and project any problem out to some huge social problem that can nary be fixed.

For example, they will blame date rape on, say, "the patriarchy" or on "rape culture'. Blaming on things so huge and unfixable, the victim becomes victimized yet again.

It is the rare huge social problem that causes a nurse to make a medication error.

But when faced with subjects say like date rape, unplanned pregnancy, family dysfunction, or poor educational standards, the liberal will blame "rape culture", "toxic masculinity", "sexism" and "systemic racism" instead of walking one through what steps can be taken to prevent and treat social problems.

What steps can be taken to prevent a medication error?

1 - the five "rights" - right patient, right medicine, right dose, right time, right route.

2 - no tolerance for intimidation by the patient or a visitor to alter these five rights.

What steps can be taken to prevent date rape?

1 - Awareness of the following: alcohol lowers your inhibitions. There is an urge for sexual behavior starting in the early teens. Some music, clothes and actions provoke sexual frustration. 


2 - Train your kids from a young age to favor being at home and getting to bed early. Socializing happens in the home under parental supervision. You do not send your teenage daughter to visit her male friend, even if they are "just friends" alone away from parental supervision. You do not leave kids home alone. By the time your kids are teens, they will be in the habit of socializing under parental supervision at home.

3 -  You do not attend parties. See #1 and #2 above.

4 - Drinking alcohol and dancing to suggestive music breeds a culture of sexual frustration. Since you have trained your kids to socialize at home, they will not even know about this possibility.

5 - engaging in sex before marriage is unthinkable. Not forbidden, but unthinkable. Or in Jordan Petersen's words, "you have to be very very very careful with sex." Very.

Just a few basic assumptions will prevent tragic social situations.

But liberals want you to have bitter experiences, become embittered, and be ready to spring to fight causes that do not even benefit you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Are you sure those are all the needs you have?

Being a revolutionary, I mean.

You sure you have no other needs than to be an activist and change society? And, are your sure YOU can be the one to do that?

You were groomed to be an activist. You were decidedly not groomed to evaluate whether or not your activism was wanted or even necessary.