In the liberal and relativist world, off handed comments in social situations are what shape your world view.
Your basic assumptions are decided by the majority vote of those around you (paraphrase from the writings of Rachel Pomerantz).
Should you chafe at such a culture, should you resist the assumption that your reality is decided by impression and feeling, should you ask critical thinking questions, should you introduce the concept of facts, you may find yourself pressured, when in a social situation.
Should you chafe at the social pressure, you are told, “oh what she said is no big deal, that is just how she is, she can be a bit harsh, take no notice, don’t be too sensitive.”
Wait, so was the liberal trying to make a point, or just… behaving?
Which one is it?
Thus liberals pull the intellectual rug out from under you. You are confronted, then when you object, the response is, “oh that is just the way she is.”
The sexual revolution was supposed to liberate society from the shackles of sexual repression and the patriarchy.
Actually, then the idea transformed to: “sex is no big deal”.
Wait a second. Those in chaste relationships, upon a break up, do not suffer like those who had been in an intimate relationship. Bring up this important point, and, you hear, “don’t be so sensitive”.
Was this a sexual revolution, or no big deal? Isn’t a revolution supposed to confront people with new ideas? If so, you would expect a sensory reaction to any revolution.
"Don’t be so sensitive", and, "this is no big deal", are contrary to the call to revolution, right?
You cannot have a revolution that is no big deal and that no one notices.
You cannot wage a social battle and then say, "oh, take no notice, it is no big deal."
Merle Hoffman runs an abortion clinic and had admitted that abortion is an act of power and is indeed stopping a beating heart.
Power over a helpless fetus…I am not sure what kind of power that is.
Most pro-choice advocates claim that removing the unborn from its mother's womb is like removing a polyp, a cluster of cells, no big deal, and that woman’s choice takes precedent anyway.
(Why bring up woman’s choice if it is only a cluster of cells?)
Answer - you only bring up woman’s choice when you are about to confront the humanity of the unborn.
So which is it, a mere cluster of cells, no big deal, or an act of power and “stopping a beating heart”?
The group that calls itself the women of the wall, at the Western Wall of Jerusalem, insists on behaving in ways that offend the religious sensitivities of orthodox Jewish women. One of their stated goals is in order to “liberate” the orthodox Jewish women.
(How is a desecration of holy objects and holy space a way to “liberate” religious people?)
Others say that the orthodox women should ignore them.
Wait, is this an effort at liberation, or something to be ignored, like it is no big deal?
“We hope to liberate you, actually if we offend you, just ignore us, this is no big deal.”
How does that make any sense?
The only way the above examples concerning social pressure by liberals, the sexual revolution, abortion, and the women of the wall group, in short: "we are waging a revolution, actually what we are doing is no big deal", can be coherent is when operating in opposition to a real or imagined “authority figure”.
Remove the liberal's stance in opposition to religion or to the “establishment”, have them sit alone with and ponder whether what they are believing in makes any sense, they are left with intellectual anarchy.
Some find their way out.