Thursday, August 12, 2021

The message that western society is inherently racist and sexist leaves children cynical and paralyzed. And it is simply not true.

It would have been ok to be liberal if I could have built a wall inside myself.


But I was a sensitive child. It did not occur to me to think, “this is just what people here say, but not how they live”, bowed my head, focused on making myself into something and lived with the inconsistency until I made a life for myself.


Tell a sensitive child that black people are forever oppressed because of the horrendous “system” you live within, she will feel overwhelmed, hopeless, paralyzed, cynical. This propaganda persists despite strides in civil rights, cultural re-conditioning via the media, for example Fred Rogers’ hosting black singer Francoise Clemens, and programs like affirmative action.

After all these strides, after voting in a black president for two terms, we need to teach critical race theory to elementary school children?  


Have not we cured so much of racism and sexism? 


Why keep these issues on life support?


If I could have been told, “you care about black people? Great! Focus on your studies, secure a career in which you can really help others, then offer assistance.”


But feeling overwhelmed by the injustice of it all made me suspect the very school in which I was learning, I mean, if the “system” is inherently corrupt, why should I listen to teachers, follow any instruction? Runkle school and Brookline High in the 70’s and 80’s must also be part of that corrupt “system”, right?


Or the harping on the “oppressive patriarchy” lectured by teenage girls going home at the end of the day to a beautiful house, elegant supper, and solid income, thanks to a mother who takes care of home life and a father who is a professor at a university…um, where was the oppressive patriarchy?  On to a highly competitive New England college thanks to nurturing by mom who freed you to study and engage in extracurricular activities, plus a sizeable income thanks to dad - was that not gender role differentiation that freed you up and allowed you to sneer at the very traditional family structure that nurtured you?


So you may need to to have a split personality. Now, even more so, until this battle against CRT indoctrination in schools is won.


You may need to nod your head up and down to statements that we live in an inherently racist culture and an oppressive patriarchy as if facing a religious fundamentalism that could turn to inquisition and excommunication.


Go along and pretend outwardly that people are born gay or straight, even when you see first hand that sexuality is flexible: straights become gay, gays become straight - but do not dare say that.


And remember that if you succumb to the cynicism of the modern liberal narrative, you will be paralyzed into inaction, self-loathing, with no ability to act and thus no future.


And then you notice that those harping stridently on the systemic racism and patriarchy and p.c. sexuality are somehow benefiting mightily from all that capitalism that they say they loathe.


They are your college professors, journalists, lawyers, paid activists.


So some will have to pretend to go along with it. Put your head down and bow before the lifeless liberal idol, though your conscience pricks, do not get into debates until you are strong, and that not will happen for a few years into building a career, way after college years.


You will get past it, you will be free once you solidify your job skills or career path, develop respectful interpersonal characteristics, marry even, engage in healthy habits.


You are not likely to have much strength until well into your 20’s.  


So build that wall inside yourself in the meantime.


Let the strong engage in the fight against critical race theory and other forms of indoctrination, because it is not over yet.




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