Friday, October 22, 2021

Affirmative Action breaks two of the Ten Commandments.

 Affirmative Action: Is it fair? | The Aragon Outlook


Christians struggle with understanding scripture. They study and question and often have unresolved issues with their faith.

Bible study can be a struggle - but it does not warp one's mind.

Liberal ideology does.

Brookline Massachusetts in the 1970's and 1980's, most of us were Jewish, or part Jewish like me, liberal, and ensconced in comfortable neighborhoods with "no parking overnight" signs on every street.

I thought the no parking overnight was so the street cleaners could have it easy.

But that was not the case, which I only found out later.

We were all for affirmative action, because it was only fair to compensate for past injustice via giving small breaks to minorities.

But affirmative action turned out not to be a small break. It actually hurt the minorities it claimed to help.

I thought it would be - college entrance means a white student with grade point average of 3.6 versus a black student with a grade point average of 3.4. Give the seat at college to the black student, they are practically equal, and we are just compensating for prejudice.

But when I arrived at college, 1985, I could not escape the fact that the black students were struggling in ways that were out of proportion to their presence on campus.

The black students from south America and Zaire were excelling.  They were from wealthy families and had never benefited from affirmative action; their skills, smarts and talent got them that college seat.

The American black students at Middlebury College were not keeping up. A popular black student who flunked and transferred to a state school so upset the students that a huge meeting was called to discuss it.

What conclusions could you come to? Since you could NEVER question affirmative action without being dubbed racist, you have to conclude either that the system is so inherently corrupt and racist that it could never be fixed and needed to be smashed, Marxist style - an angry and warped way of thinking indeed. And a cynical call to revolution.

I began to wake up to the injustice of being unable to question affirmative action, and saw that plenty of minority students were thriving because they had earned their seat via merit. I then considered that affirmative action is theft (taking away a deserved college seat and giving to one who does not deserve it) and falsehood. 

I wanted to demand from someone, anyone: "who thought this horrible system up, and why are we intimidated from questioning it with the threat of being dubbed racist?" 

I wanted answers for why I was set up to have to believe in a system that many minorities themselves do not believe in, that makes you fearful of questioning, that when you finally wake up out of it you realize that your previous way of thinking was warped, and I came to realize:

Affirmative Action breaks two of the Ten Commandments: it is theft and it is false witness

When Christians struggle with their faith, they read, debate, pray, and reflect. 

But Bible study does not warp one's mind.

Liberalism does.

And the no parking overnight in Brookline Mass?  that was to keep vagrants out in a not-in-my-backyard fashion - just another sign that liberals bet that none of the policies they dream up will really affect them.

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