Modern liberal culture will not bequeath the skills you need
You need to judge others favorably, give leeway, overlook others' shortcomings, forgive, and work like a team player, seeing the bigger picture of the good of the organization you are part of at the time.
All three Abrahamic religions teach forbearance, judging favorably, loving one's fellow, and forgiveness.
Being on the lookout for so called "micro-aggressions" in simple questions like, "where are you from?" or the like, is to stoke an unforgiving paranoia in people that robs them of their ability to love one's fellow. Seeking racism, subconscious bias and ulterior motives in others is to judge others unfavorably before giving them a chance, and violates basic religious teachings.
From the Old Testament:
Rabbi Akiva taught: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ (Leviticus 19:18). This is the most important rule in the Torah. (Jerusalem Talmud Nedarim 30b)
From the New Testament:
From the Qur'an: “The person who treats others kindly and thinks well of them, will find that his intention will remain true, he will feel at ease, his heart will be sound and Allah will protect him from evil and calamity.”
Seeking ill intent in others violates religious teachings, and also hurts the one who thinks in these terms.
You may indeed be uncomfortable in a college or work setting, that does not mean that others are racist or aggressive. Seek the good in others, grant leeway, make allowances.
You will be both righteous and happier.
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