Here is the underlying morbid philosophy, just one branch of the modern project of desensitization:
Liberals today assume that traditional moral values are superstition, binding people to an irrelevant, outmoded way of thinking.
By breaking through these entrenched thought processes, even to the point of chaos, they are liberating people from man-made, irrelevant value systems.
When they see that people are offended, they believe they have reached the edge of the next level of human development and will keep pushing those limits.
This system assumes that values are man-made; because mankind has progressed, modern thinking must be better and the old thinking must be worthy of replacement.
They see themselves as Abraham knocking down his father Terach's idols. Did our forefather Abraham care that Terach's feelings were hurt when his idols were smashed? Of course not!
If you shock someone, turn their world upside down, they will re-evaluate the situation, then agree with you.
But why sexualize children? The idea is because everyone is smart enough to choose for themselves and no one should dictate limits to them, they can decide. No one should deny them a legitimate pleasure. The only reason anyone thinks there should be limits on sexual behavior is due to old fashioned hang ups which should be uprooted. These were mechanisms of the patriarchy to keep others oppressed.
If you are bothered by it, then that is like being bothered by sitting next to a black person, or bothered by the fact that women have the vote.
And so what if one girl spoke about how hurtful it was to her, as a sex abuse survivor, to have to hear about sexual issues in the classroom. She stated that she need to heal from being sexually abused, not hear about sex all the time.
Answer - get ear plugs. Toughen up.The claim is that all these are superstitions that kept people oppressed, and need to be done away with. If you are disturbed by it, then that is your problem, the rights of the many are more important than the needs of a few hypersensitive kids and fanatical parents.
Being desensitized to sexuality is, they claim, part of the project of human advancement.
They provoked the parents at Dearborn Michigan into emotional displays, well, they are proud that they reached the limits of your tolerance, and they will continue to push.
Their goal is that every person should be free to choose their own destiny, and nothing should inhibit them, no person, parent, spouse, teacher, or ideology.
That is the underlying morbid philosophy, just one branch of the modern project of desensitization.
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