Thursday, July 8, 2021

Before considering becoming a liberal, consider - most will lose at this


Before becoming a liberal, consider this


Since for the liberal relativist, reality is constantly being invented, being liberal means you must be in fighting mode all the time, ready to assert, and listen only in order to gain an upper advantage over the other


This has real effects upon interpersonal interactions. 

In sharp contrast, those who feel part of a chain of tradition, and who feel that truth is external, are markedly much more relaxed in their manner and much kinder inter-personally


Liberal thinking starts out seeming to be kind, and then ends up very much "tough on you".

Remember this well - only those near the purse strings can win at being liberal. 

Most will lose at this


Here are some examples


 - Free sex means people will share the pleasure of affection without waiting until marriage


What really happens - breakups are more devastating than anyone anticipated. But instead of saying, hey wait a minute, we meant more love and affection, not terrible heartbreaks


The answer - "you are too sensitive"


Most will lose at this


- Free sex means more affection and love -  sounds good, but what about both women and men who brag to others about their exploits, even adding in how the one they rejected is very hurt, and instead of sympathizing with the rejected one, feeling proud that the rejector had the upper hand. Should you respond, “hey I can see that cheating on a boyfriend or girlfriend would be hurtful”, the response - don’t be so sensitive.


So we went from more love to - "don’t be so sensitive."

 Most will lose at this


- The group that calls itself women of the  (western) wall in Jerusalem claim to be offering more “alternatives” to Jewish religious expression. But they also say that the Western Wall in Jerusalem has no holiness. Should you complain that their loud singing, screeching, blowing kisses at the men, waving their so called “prayer books” in the air at the men are interfering with the religious womens’ ability to pray - well tough on the religious women.


So we went to - "here are more alternatives" - to: provocateur activity and a cynical and cruel “tough on you” attitude. 

Most will lose at this


- Abortion rights were to deal with the rare times that an unplanned pregnancy occurs, and of course we must consider incest and rape. But then it became that abortion should be up to the point of birth, and when I pressed one friend about the humanity of the baby, she raised her voice and her face contorted: “tough on the baby! Tough on the baby!” she yelled


So we went from sympathy for the mistake to - tough on a full term baby minus five minutes. 

Most women, never-mind the baby for now,  will lose at this


There is no one who is two or more generations liberal


It was a social experiment


And most lost at it

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