Tuesday, June 22, 2021

You can build. Liberals activists do not want you to find this out.

Here is an example of provoking rather than building:

The so called "women of the wall" is a group that says it is for Jewish religious pluralism.

Sounds good.

But their loud screaming-like "praying", blowing kisses at the men, waving their so called "prayer books" in the air, amounts to bothering the Jewish women who pray traditionally at the Western Wall in Jerusalem

This group could easily gather at the Robinson's Arch area of the Western Wall. 

They have refused this offer because, in their own words, they want to "see and be seen", and they have stated that they wish to offend Haredi (ultra-orthodox) women in order to "liberate" them. 

They do not build. They confront. 

Actually, the only reason that the women's section is seen by this group as somehow the "main" section is because women who pray traditionally built that up over the years. 

But liberal activists pursue and confront, they do not build. 

Liberals of today tell you that you cannot build, that there are shadowy powers out there, grave and huge, that you must topple, and you cannot. 

That keeps you in fighting mode. 

This attitude of confrontation and provocation will "work" for you if you are directly connected to the purse strings of such activism, but if you are not getting a paycheck from this, this attitude will degrade your own ability to build in your own life.


The truth is that there is no "Establishment". 

You can build.  

Liberals activists do not want you to find this out.


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