Sunday, December 18, 2022

Boundary consciousness - children need it.

As Mr Rogers said, there is only so much that children can process and cope with.

Sexualizing children is being protested in response to the obviously offensive books found in school libraries today.

But there are subtler ways to disturb children.

A single mother with a boyfriend, a single father with a girlfriend, with poor boundaries between them and the children, can make kids feel disturbed without anyone taking notice or asking why.

Modesty in Islam and in Judaism hold by the concept of keeping boys and girls from a young age separate, and never in seclusion with each other.

The religious Christian family will likely not have a boyfriend or girlfriend hovering around.

But the secular person scoffs at mores of modesty, even subtle ones, like the dating single parent in which the significant other  is socializing with the children, like coming over for supper, going out to a movie together, these are actually subtly erode a child's boundaries.

The child feels disturbed, and he has no voice to explain why, because of the modern scoffing at modesty.

If you are a dating single parent, there is no reason to involve your children and all socialize together. It subtlety disturbs them


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