As a walkaway from the liberal left and the democratic party, I am here to declare: do not poll liberals, instead, observe them.
And when you observe liberals, you will see that they indeed believe in borderwalls.
Liberals fear being dubbed racist, bigoted, or sexually repressed, and they are affected by relativism, which means that there is no solid reality, everything is invented and depends upon what most people think.
These two factors are the intellectual pivots on which liberals turn: fear of being dubbed bigoted, and the conviction that reality is constantly being re-invented.
Thus, if you ask a liberal, “do you support a wall on the Mexican border in order to protect US citizens from unvetted in-migration?” They must say “no” for two reasons: they fear being dubbed racist, plus, they are relativists creating a new reality.
A third more minor factor: liberals do not build, they confront any existing establishment.
For example, Brookline Massachusetts is surrounded by the walls of zoning laws and public schools only open to their residents. There is a “Metco” program, in which kids from inner city schools attend for free, but only those students who pass an exam. Thus, Brookline schools are exclusive, surrounded by a very real wall.
In 2010, 48,700 of its residents were of voting age. About 60% are registered democrats, that is 29,200. According to one poll, approx 90% of democrats say that they oppose the border wall. So you would expect 26,300 Brookline residents to say they oppose the border wall.
Now, look for any activism on the part of Brookline residents in favor of allowing anyone from any surrounding town to attend these schools. How many residents of Brookline have petitioned the town hall, the legislature, written letters to the editor of local newspapers, in favor of breaking down the wall that surrounds their schools?
You would expect to see 26,300 signatures on a petition to open up the public schools to all residents of all surrounding towns. You would expect 26,300 signatures on a petition to change zoning laws to the following - on each Brookline street, there will be two six storey apartment buildings with twelve apartments each for low income housing.
Where are these petitions? Answer - they do not exist.
In fact, according to their actions, all Democrats in Brookline support borderwalls. They chose Brookline precisely because it is indeed surrounded by zoning walls.
There are thus two reasons that liberals who in fact dwell within walls will say they oppose the borderwall - dread of being dubbed racist, and a conviction that words shape reality, and do not describe reality.
Plus, liberals do not confront governments south of the Mexican border and demand the following: "govern your people justly so they will not have to flee to the USA."
This is because liberals are taught to confront the "establishment", it does not occur to liberals to build.
Liberals of today tell you that you cannot build, that there are shadowy powers out there, grave and huge, that you must topple, and you cannot.
That keeps you in fighting mode.
This attitude of confrontation and provocation will "work" for you if you are directly connected to the purse strings of such activism, but if you are not getting a paycheck from this, this attitude will degrade your own ability to build in your own life.
The truth is that there is no "Establishment".
You can build.
Liberals activists do not want you to find this out.
Liberals live in a world of impression and feeling, not fact. Their fear of being dubbed "bigot" thwarts their ability to think and question. They have no skills to build, only to confront and demand from the so called "establishment" instead of building something better.
It is not hypocrisy as much as a deep rooted fear and intellectual atrophy.
So, go ahead and build the border wall, because it is how liberals live that is essential, not what they are too frightened to admit.
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