Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Liberal Culture and what you are not Allowed to Say

Liberal privilege: let's pretend the family is not important.
"Family values": liberals sneer at this, yet reap its benefits.
A white liberal in a nice suburb who has a mother and father figure regards her family situation as a stroke of luck, not as a result of family values. 
Liberals are prevented from vocalizing the following thought: “the stability I enjoy stems from having two parents who have different roles in the home.” - that would be sexist. They cannot verbalize: “My parent’s devotion to each other and refusal to engage in extramarital affairs is part of my stability” - that would be sexual repression. They could not say: "hard work can get you the American Dream" - that would be ignoring the injustices of "the system" that oppresses minorities.
Calls to blame "the system" drowned out one's ability to learn how to have a stable marriage and how to parent positively, it drowned out recognizing the importance of limiting sexual behavior, and drowned out the work ethic.
White liberal teens in Brookline Massachusetts in the 1970’s and 80’s went to late night parties, used substances from alcohol to marijuana to harder drugs, engaged in sex play, and returned home to sober, devoted parents who had different roles in the home, in their generation had remained chaste until marriage (or had few partners and started sexual activity at an older age), and who had solid careers that demanded a work ethic and enabled them to afford suburban living. 
Liberals teens were not even allowed to connect the dots: different roles in the home, sobriety, limits on sexual behavior, and a work ethic may be part of the stability we were enjoying. There were too many social taboos on speech - don’t be sexist! don’t be sexually repressed! don't suggest that the poor can work their way up!… that prevented us from appreciating what we inherited right before our very eyes. 
Then came the date rapes, college years. 
Date rapes were blamed on "the system", on "rape culture" - vague, amorphous, unreachable, no one taught us that
you can avoid this. We were told we had to fight an huge "rape culture". This is undoable, and amounts to a victim mentality, plain and simple.
We enjoyed the benefits of our parents' chastity or at least lack of the kind of promiscuity that was happening, of hard work, of gender roles, of sobriety, yet were not allowed to comprehend them, verbalize them, live them, and pass them down to the next generation.
Teach your kids: wait til marriage or wait until a mature, healthy and committed relationship until you engage in sex play and sexual activity, work hard on a focused goal for your career, and a strong family unit will probably end up involving gender roles in the context of constant and open communication with your spouse, but that will not stop you from achieving a solid career - look at ACB! 


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