Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Liberal Living in Strategic Opposition to the Other - it Damages your Interpersonal Skills

Liberals live in strategic positions in opposition to an Other. 
That is, they build platforms in opposition.
That “Other” is a real or imagined Establishment.
They shape you into social soldiers, ruining your interpersonal skills.
It was the Christians who showed by personal example that there was another path. 
First, let me describe what it is like to grow up in the Liberal "belly of the beast".
This so called Establishment is often ill defined, amorphous, so huge you cannot grasp it and certainly not do much to challenge it. This liberal myth leaves people feeling either helpless or bitter.
This liberal-left myth wants to engage you in an endless battle to topple far away “isms” so that you are endlessly fighting, never achieving, and always feeling battle weary. It pits you against people who should be your friends and neighbors. You converse with people on hot topics that push people’s buttons and estrange people from each other.
This only works for the elite! It will not work for most people!
I grew up in the liberal “belly of the beast” in Brookline Massachusetts, so I bear witness.
The constellation of myths that there are lots of “isms” out there that you must be bitter about, frightened of, and engage with people on these topics in every interpersonal interaction that you have, only works for the people who are benefiting from these mythologies: college and university professors, paid activists, lawyers, journalists.
If you are not one of these professionals directly benefiting from the promotion of liberal mythologies, your interpersonal relationships will be severely damaged as you wage your constant battles that the liberal left programs you to do.
Professor Jordan Petersen has wisely noted this.
Here is an example regarding racism, which the Left holds is the only social problem.
Slavery in the USA was racist, it resulted in beatings, inhumane treatment, and lack of personal freedom and the right of every human being to chart their own course in life.
Christians, in the name of Biblical teachings, formed the underground railroad. They both quietly and openly challenged slavery, and it came to an end.
Blacks continued to be disadvantaged, racism that led to injustice was still an issue. People thus continued to advocate for civil rights and America weaned itself off racism by leaps and bounds - we were not told that these many of these advocates were religious Christians.
Lyndon B Johnson created welfare policies, with the myth that this was good for the Black community - but these policies resulted in poor men encouraged to be absent so that mothers could collect welfare - many of these families were Black.
We “enlightened” Brookline liberals were very open minded, you see, we thought that Blacks have children out of wedlock a lot because they inherited this from African culture. They were thus doomed to live like this. That is total nonsense, it was the Democrats that broke up the Black family.
We had Affirmative Action, which ended up lowering standards of education and making White students end up resenting the Black students who got accepted to college despite having lower grades and lower standardized test scores. I did not know that there had been Black leaders who fiercely opposed the standard lowering that is inherent in Affirmative Action - one such professor was fired from Cornell University for her integrationist views - see Allan Bloom’s book, “The Closing of the American Mind” for more.
Still, we thought we were open minded.
We had a Black president for two terms.
Despite all the strides, the Left has come up with a new twist - “subconscious bias”. That means no matter how open minded you act, you may still be subtlety racist.
The Left always want to hunt out your racism (never theirs). I am a witness to this, and their set of myths ruins people. It makes you think that there are endless social atrocities happening, that every conversation you have must involve controversial issues that assume the worst of anyone who does not agree with the latest politically correct accusation.
Many young women I know in Brookline High developed abrasive personalities in light of the constant call to fight. They neglected their appearance in the name of feminism. Only a very few charismatic, talented young women succeeded as they waged constant social battles, please note that those who succeeded attained influential positions in ways that most people will not. As it was unacceptable for feminists to care for their appearance, leaders emerged who were naturally pretty, charming and photogenic; this is hardly woman empowerment. The feminist call to neglect one's appearance ended up sifting out a few choice stars who were feminist leaders but strangely attractive, despite feminist rhetoric to not care about one's appearance, which turned out to be a hypocrisy. 
Gloria Steinham has been praised for her prettiness, showing a good face for otherwise abrasive feminism, and such praise just proves my point.
Date rape was another amorphous evil that loomed over us - til I wondered, well why don't people just not date in dangerous situations? Why do they go to parties, drink alcohol, listen to suggestive music, and start sex play? I was not allowed to voice these questions, because that would be blaming the victim. 
It would be empowering, actually, to question date culture that leads to rape culture.

Then in college I met the Christians. They did not party. Some refrained from alcohol and dancing like traditional Jews and Muslims refrain from pork. They certainly had strong opinions, and they differed among themselves regarding theology, but they had a quiet confidence that faith bequeaths.
Their quiet, low profile presence was in stunning contrast to the propaganda I had been raised with which turns you into a social soldier for amorphous battles that can never be won.
I engaged with the Christians, argued, and they were unfailingly patient and respectful, which the liberal left is decidedly not.
I cannot thank the example of those Christians I met in college enough.
The liberal left wants you to be a programmed bitter soldier for amorphous causes that can never be complete. This dynamic harms you internally and inter-personally.
Resist it.


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