Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Leftist Activism Against a European History Class

The radical Left has invaded the educational system. 
Brookline kids grow up liberal and stay liberal, save for a few exceptions.
Mr James Dudley taught European history to generations of Brookline High School students. He did so in a balanced manner. We knew his opinions on racism, which he decried, he also protested Holocaust denial, and expressed his pro-life views outside of the classroom. He got his BA in education from a Christian college and was conservative compared to the rest of us, but his lessons were objective, giving you a vast amount of knowledge and understanding of the development of European history and our place in it.
I took his class, so I am witness that he was mild mannered, and expressed his views with respect for his liberal counterparts. I got into a discussion with him about abortion, and he said, "you know, more girls get aborted than boys do," and he left me to ponder that on my own. He allowed us space to think, and that is a product of classic education, as opposed to the inflammatory battlegrounds that the Left likes to create.
His curriculum did not produce conservatives. Brookline High School students stayed liberal. Indeed, both conservatives and liberals should feel equally comfortable in an educational system that is balanced, presenting all sides to each issue. Classic education is actually the great equalizer.
Yet Mr. Dudley came under attack in the 1990’s when activists demanded curricula which teach that European and American history is inherently racist and oppressive. 
Racism and oppression have happened in the West. That does not mean that every turn in Western history is inherently racist and oppressive. It took time to free the slaves in the United States, but the tools of the Constitution were used; the slaves were free because of the Constitution, not in spite of it. 
Why these activists do not move to an Eastern Block country and enjoy all the freedoms there is precisely because the United States is indeed the freest country on Earth.
See more:
The radical Left has invaded the educational system. 

 Hundreds Of Brookline Teachers Face Layoffs Amid COVID-19 Economic Downturn

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